Phone Phoummithone spent the first 10 years of her life in Laos. She was born in Laung Prabang, Laos. United Stated of America has been her home since 1984. She lives in one of the most beautiful part of America, Virginia.
Phone launched her first album in 1988 through her P & M Productions business. The company that has been publishing and promoting her. She chose Montreal, Canada to perform the première concert in the same year.
She has eight albums. They are available in America, Canada, France, Australia and Laos. She had also toured all these countries and had performed and recorded with the greatest of Lao singers.
The latest album is now on sales. It features modern sound. Phone has traveled extensively, no doubt that many sound samples emerged from such travels. The latest Music Karaoke Video was shot entirely in Sydney, Australia. Her most memorable performance was in Vientiane at Laos Year 2000 Celebration.
Her style of music is mainly techno dance and contemporary Lao country music. “Lom Now Sao Jumps” is one the greatest Lao songs. You can listen to her song right here at Radio Page
Lao great singers such as Mali Chanhsouk, Thongtanh Souvannaphanh have been her influence.
- Genres: pop/country
- Residence: Virginia, America
- Flickr
Courtesy of Yong Phon youtube channel